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Sunday, 9 January 2011

Final Garment...Photos

Final Garment

Once I has played around with ways of wearing my garment I tried to recreate the same structure with the calico bag. I did this by markring the gathers I had made and then took them out to return the sack to its orginal rectangle. I then measured the lengths, widths and angles of the holes and splits. I transfered all of this information onto the calico sack to recreate the same wearable structure.

Once I had made the calico version up I realised I much perferred the millitary version and that the sacking was such a thick heavy fabric I think it would of been difficult to replicate the same structure and wouldn't of had as much intresting detail.

Final Garment....

I started off with the military sack as it has lots of seams that could be pulled appart and reconstructed. I placed it over a chair like I had done with the military project and tights project.

Once I had done that I added areas of gathers.

I made sure I left plenty of holes so I had lots of options of how to put it onto the body once it was removed from the chair.

Final Garment

I went to brick lane market where I picked up this sack for £1.

I really liked the fabric and the way it was printed so I thought I could use it for my final garment. As I had only brought one sack I decided to make two other sacks using the orignal as a template.  That way I could play about with the other two before I came to making the final one. One sack was made up of my deconstructed jackets and one was made of calico.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Military Fashion Drawings

I drew Some fashion dawing of the dresses I created out of my military jakets. The drawing ended up looking quite different from the actual garments....

More Military Research

I decided to research other reconstructed military garments and I put together a mood board....

Military Deconstruction and Reconstruction

We were each given a military jacket to photograph, deconstruct and then reconstruct around a chair. I really enjoy deconstruction and reconstruction of garments it always feels like a free process where not too much thought is envolved its more instinctive than other ways of creating garments. Below are some of my favourite garments to come out of this exercise....